I received a lot of interesting emails from people whowanted would like to trade some of their belongings for my soundsystem. Often it was easy to see that it would not be a profitable deal for me, but several times I was nearly at the point to make the deal. I am still convinced that bartering is a great method to make a profit, but I need definetily a better sense of what is valuable/ marketable and what is not.
I listed all the noteworthy offers below, with pictures, if I received any. Below the description I explain, why I decided to deny the offer in the end. Would you have done the same?
Yamaha RGS 121 E-guitar + AMP
A student offered me this yamaha electric guitar with new "jazz strings", cable, a small amp, a tuner and custom strap. The model number for the guitar is RGS 121, I did not find any detailed information about the other things.

ME: I nearly accepted this deal. The problem for me was: I was only able to figure out the value for the guitar, which was between 66 and 120$.
I checked ebay and found some auctions that did not really give me any confidence:
The other things, such as the amp seem worthless or at least terrible hard to sell/trade. I expected that the price for the e guitar + amp etc. would be around 150$, maybe lower, but not higher.
In the end I decided to ask in a forum for advice and received responses that described the deal as "not a big loss to me". ..I wanted to make some profit with it.. So.. I did not take the e-guitar.
Toshiba 5205-S705
The person who offered this one said, it " has the blue screen of death (I think it just needs new memory), but if you are good with computers it is a good deal, its in very good condition other than the blue screen. It is definitely worth more than 165 even with the memory issue, but I don't feel like figuring it out."
(picture was not included)
ME: This was an easy one. The laptop is now 7 to 8 years old and is known for having a high component failure rate. It is definetily not worth anything close to 165$, I wonder if it is worth anything at all with the blue screen.
Fishtank with stand
A 55 Gallon (210 liter) fishtank with wooden stand and some basic supplies (shingles). A very similar fishtank is being offered on craigslist for 350$ in used condition. The stand is made out of real wood (not plywood).
ME: This was the toughest decision. I always liked to have a fishtank and the size and price was reasonable. However, the one for 350$ on craigslist had a more recent design and looked more attractive to me. I guess I would also have kept the fishtank.

Fender CD-60 Dreadnought Acoustic Guitar
The most recent offer was a used accoustic guitar. Its new price is 199$, I could not find any price for it in used condition.

ME: I do not see an chance to resell the guitar. I was able to find several guitars on craigslist, but the prices where not close to the prices in new condition. I could have sold it on ebay for about 140$, but it would not have been a good deal after ebay fees.
I am really curious whether you would have traded the soundsystem to any of the objects above. I am not sure whether I am too picky and might have missed some good chances.